Nicolas Leymonerie,
CC-Code: Designs games, distributes Unity3D and teaches coding
Game development Week in Dalat
(Session: 2 hours for 5 days)
Coding course on Unity3D
Day 1: Introduction
– Presentation of the Game design work (1h)
– Presentation of the Unity software (1h)
– Dowload
Day 2:
– Presentation of the Starter kit (base application
allowing customization) (1h)
– Definition of the game projects and teams
Day 3 :
– User Interface (lesson) (1h)
– User Interface (practice-> project) (1h)
Day 4 :
– Physics (lesson) (1h)
– Physics (practice-> project) (1h)
Day 5 :
– Animation & Sound (lesson) (1h)
– Animation & Sound (practice-> project)
(1h) : Game’s finalisation

Jerome Peschard,
CA-Artist: Art director in graphic games and board games for Ankama
Game development Week in Dalat
(Session: 2 hours for 5 days)
Game Design & conception course
Day 1 : Introduction
-History of the video-games… (30 min)
-character design (30 min)
-How to build different styles of caracters
design and drawing (60 min)
Day 2 :
-Drawing & Infography (120 min)
Day 3 :
-Drawing & Infography, background (120 min)
Day 4 :
-Drawing & Infography, background,
export asset for integration (60min)
-Character design, Background, menu, tiles
finalisation (60 min)
Day 5 :
-Character design, Background, menu, tiles
finalisation (60 min).
-Boardgame and work around your video game.
Come prepared for the Camp!
Contact justin@juniordevcamp.com to receive the coding and the art guildeline
and homework materials